List Segmentation - Time Zone based delivery

It's sometimes critical to deliver emails during a specific time window for the effectiveness of an email campaign. It's much more complicated when your list contains subscribers from different geographies. 

We can use list segmentation feature available in MailFed for this purpose. List segmentation is not limited to only this use case though. The below video explains how to create different segments within the same list and schedule separate campaigns for time based delivery. We've used the open statistics report of a campaign for demonstration purpose here, so, keep in mind that email opened IP may not indicate the correct IP/location of the subscriber as some email providers like Gmail & Mcrosoft (hotmail, outlook,msn) use proxy servers to open the email.

Also, campaigns will be scheduled based on the local time only, so, do not forget to convert destination timezone to localtime while svheduling the campaigns. You can use some online time zone converters like :​ to convert time easily.